
Books That Make You Choose Your Own Adventure with John Palisano and Mark Tullius


We’re talking about Books That Make You Choose Your Own Adventure, Trying Not to Die.

Remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books? Well, they’ve grown up a bit, and it is absolutely, deliciously horrific.

Today we have two guests, authors Mark Tullius and John Palisano. In the latest entry in the Try Not To Die series, they’ve collaborated to bring forth a lightning-paced, hair- raising thriller. In these books, readers can make choices at the end of each chapter. Some will allow them to continue the adventure, while others lead to creative, gruesome deaths.

Mark Tullius is the author of “Unlocking the Cage: Exploring the Motivations of MMA Fighters” and dark fiction which includes “Ain’t No Messiah,” “Untold Mayhem,” “Twisted Reunion, 25 Perfect Days: Plus 5 More, Brightside,” and the “Try Not to Die” series. He is also the host of the podcast Vicious Whispers with Mark Tullius, which you can find on YouTube, iTunes, Stitcher and other podcast-friendly outlets.

Author John Palisano, president of the HWA and Bram Stoker Award Winner, has a pair of books with Samhain Publishing, DUST OF THE DEAD, and GHOST HEART. NERVES is available through Bad Moon. STARLIGHT DRIVE: FOUR HALLOWEEN TALES was released in time for Halloween, and his first short fiction collection ALL THAT WITHERS is available from Cycatrix press, celebrating over a decade of short story highlights. NIGHT OF 1,000 BEASTS is also a great read.

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