
Next Therapist Please – A Sensitive Portrayal of Mental Illness Review

Some might look at Janie Weiss and see a beautiful, rich and carefree woman leading a glamourous life. She is a successful painter, showing her work at galleries. However, under the charming surface is a woman who has been through great challenges, including working with 6 therapists. Some of her therapist have helped while others … Read more

How to become a book blogger

If you love to read and share your opinions on books, consider becoming a book blogger.  Book bloggers are essential in getting the word out about newly released books. As a book blogger you have the influence to encourage others to read and explore new books. It’s easy; start reading, snap some pictures, and upload! … Read more

5 Ways to Make Reading Fun

You want to read, you really do, but actually motivating yourself to pick up that book instead of spending the next hour on Facebook is hard. In a world of endless distractions, it’s difficult to sit down to read. It’s worth the effort though, reading is an excellent pastime and a rewarding hobby. If you’re … Read more

A Reading List for Business Leaders


Is there a well-rounded list of books on your shelf? In addition to all those motivational and success books, do you branch out and read other topics? What about fiction? Doing so can help you redefine your ideas and perceptions as a business professional. A lot of experts say that a well-strategized bookshelf mix can give you unexpected insights, deeper understanding of people, and help with other aspects of your life, in business and beyond.