Tracker Hive Featured Image

The Tracker Hive Academy is Hot Hot Hot!

Avery Song has written a series of books that is exploding in the book loving community. This sci-fi, romantic fantasy is gaining popularity. The Tracker Hive Series is full of magic, sass, passion, and drama. We wanted to find out more:


Can You Tell Us About The Tracker Hive from Your Point Of View?


The Tracker Hive Academy Book 1
Find The Tracker Hive on Amazon

Tracker Hive Series is one that centers on Jade Storm. Her upbringing is unique compared to the average person, and with her ability to use all eight elements, she’s a rare gem to find. It’s what makes her a target for many bad guys. She’s taken in by Alaric Masters, the headmaster of Tracker Hive Academy, and is trained to become a Tracker. Now in order for her to solidify her position, she must attend this very school. However, she didn’t expect to meet the Troubled Four. 


What Inspired You to Write The Tracker Hive Academy?


The cover was what inspired me and seeing as it so strongly called to me, I simply let the words flow and the ideas kept coming and coming until the book was written. It’s been a fun series so far filled with life lessons. 


What Can Readers Expect from this series?


Readers can expect an amazing fantasy adventure where they follow Jade into her New Adult life as a Tracker. They get to see her uniqueness and what makes her different from the rest. There’s a lot of life lessons in this book, but also many fun interactions as she gets to know her Troubled Four. 


If People Can Only Buy One Book This Month, Why Should It Be Yours?


I believe they’ll be hooked when they read Tracker Hive. It’s one of those stories that you get lost in rather quickly and by the time you pull your eyes away, the book is done.

Avery Song

Can You Tell Me Three Fun Facts About You?


I love wearing pretty colorful wigs. 

I’m super loud and friendly which means I’m pretty fun to be around if you love to chat. 

I’m the picture queen and don’t get me started on them filters.


What is Your Favorite Passage from your Series?


I actually don’t have a favorite passage from any books. I think the books themselves are enough to resonate with my life. 


What Type of Readers will Enjoy your Series?


Anyone who loves an interactive paced story that is filled with magic, comedy, romance, and has a solid message that can help those in real life. It really does help you escape from the world and into a new one that has no rules – or more like the main character loves to NOT follow the rules. 


What Was Your Favorite Part About Writing Your Series?


I think its the interactions with Jade and the Troubled Four. It’s natural and fun to write and read. It’s something that simply flows and you can envision happening in real life. 


What Do You Think Readers Will Enjoy Most About The Tracker Hive Academy?


The conversations and the unique differences Jade Storm brings to the table <3

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Bree has a love of books and a passion for sharing stories. As a book blogger, writer and admin of this site, Bree’s goal is to spread the joy of reading with others.

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