
Ready for a paranormal thrill ride with Betsey Kulakowski, author of The Veritas Codex

Ready for a paranormal thrill ride with Betsey Kulakowski, author of The Veritas Codex

Even if we’re not inclined to admit it, most of us are enticed by the paranormal. We like to entertain whether aliens, spirits, Bigfoot, or ancient myths are real. Fortunately, there are plenty of awesome, stimulating books ready to meet that hunger, and to take us on such speculative adventures. Could it all be true? Might there something to the legends and cryptids we read about in fictional worlds?

Author of The Veritas Codex Betsey Kulakowski is a great lover of all things paranormal, and is always up for the documentaries and TV shows dealing with the strange and unexplained. You know the type: shows that sound like, “in search of…”, “ancient aliens”, “mysteries of…”, and more. Out of that love sprung a comprehensive paranormal thriller series, The Veritas Codex Series, now four books deep with the latest installment, The Monk’s Grimoire.

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Dave Duffy

Dave Duffy