
5 Ways to Make Reading a Book Easier During a Power Outage

If you’re like many people, you consider power outages to be inconvenient and annoying — particularly in these times, when we rely on electricity to power the devices we use for work, entertainment, and maintaining social connections. Thanks to an aging infrastructure and increased population levels, power outages are becoming more frequent and unpredictable in many areas, underscoring the importance of being properly prepared for possible disruptions.

However, power outages also provide many people with the opportunity to slow down, relax, and decompress. Reading a book provides a great way to take your mind off of counting the minutes, or possibly, the hours, before the power comes back on. However, reading a book can be challenging during power outages, but with a little preparation, it can be done. Here’s what you need to know:

1- Light a Candle

The most obvious solution to reading during a power outage is to light a candle — and there’s something warm and welcoming about the glow of a candle flame that promotes a cozy, peaceful ambiance. Make sure to take care that your candles are placed safely away from anything flammable.

2- Use a Headlamp

Headlamps are a great solution when it’s after dark and no other lighting source exists, providing hands-free lighting that you can focus directly on your book. Most modern headlamps have adjustable brightness settings, which will allow you to customize the experience according to your own individual needs and preferences. As an added bonus, you can get up and move around your home while wearing a headlamp without having to find another light source.

3- Use a Battery-Powered Book Light

Relatively new on the market, battery-powered book lights have clip-on attachments that provide just enough light to illuminate the pages without lighting up the whole room, creating an intimate reading environment that doesn’t interfere with others in the room. It’s a good idea to stock at least one of these for each household member in your emergency kit. They’re also great to have on hand for camping trips.

4- Light Up a Glow Stick

Originally developed by the U.S. Navy during the 1960s for use as emergency lighting, glow sticks have become staples of many modern households. Even though they may not provide the same amount of bright light as other options, they can supply enough ambient light for you to read by, especially in smaller spaces. Additionally, they don’t require batteries.

5- Sit Next to a Window

Sitting next to a window and reading by natural light is both a relaxing and refreshing way to while away a morning or afternoon. Soft, diffused daylight is easier on the eyes than artificial light sources, so who knows — you might just find yourself so lost in a good book that you don’t even notice when the lights come back on!

Keep in mind that most power outages are short-term, so with a little preparation, they don’t have to be major inconveniences — especially if you’re stocked up on reading material, warm blankets, and standalone light sources.

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