
Sophie is Scarlet by Greg Neyman

Our Review:

Sophie is Scarlet by Greg Neyman is a thrilling urban fantasy that seamlessly blends elements of the paranormal with a woman’s perspective. Ideal for readers seeking a contemporary and captivating tale, this novel explores themes of corruption, betrayal, and the heart-breaking choices one must make in a world dominated by powerful systems.

The story revolves around Sophie Morris, a witch whose primary goal is to graduate college with a history major and secure a spot in a Master’s Program. As Sophie navigates the challenges of college life, she finds herself drawn to Benny, a student who is oblivious to the occult and her life with the Sisters. However, their budding romance takes an unexpected turn when Benny’s senior thesis project uncovers corruption within the world’s largest tech conglomerate, The Concern. With access to everyone’s data and a willingness to abuse it, this corporate behemoth poses a significant threat to earth and beyond.

Sophie, armed with her witchcraft and the ability to handle supernatural beings, finds herself powerless against The Concern due to her witch’s tradition’s. As she grapples with the decision to fight back, Sophie is faced with the dilemma of turning her back on everything she holds sacred, challenging the teachings of her mother and grandmother. Neyman explores the question of whether justice can truly be achieved in a world where corrupt men have always held the power over people.

The theme of corrupt tech companies explored in Sophie the Scarlet strikes a chord with the current concerns surrounding artificial intelligence in today’s headlines. Sophie’s battle against The Concern’s risky behavior mirrors the potential dangers and ethical implications we currently face with quickly advancing and unregulated AI tech. As AI continues to advance at a shocking rate, there is a growing unease regarding the concentration of power and the potential for abuse and overuse. The book delves into these pressing issues, urging readers to contemplate the consequences of unchecked technological influence and the importance of maintaining transparency and accountability with tech. Through its thrilling narrative, Sophie the Scarlet offers a timely exploration of the intricate relationship between technology, corruption, and the need for responsible and ethical practices in the tech era.

As a history major, and a self-proclaimed, “traditionalist” we read as Sophie struggles with living in society run by men. This theme prevails throughout the book. A standout moment was when Sophie discusses this with the fellow Sisters, “Don’t get me wrong, I love history, but sometimes, I find it so infuriating. If Sisters ran things, nothing would be this messy. It’s all a Shakespearian tragedy of miscommunication and rash decisions.” This quote brilliantly captures the book’s perspective on women’s rights and underscores the crucial role of women, whether witches or humans. Sophie’s words shed light on the frustrations faced by women in a world dominated by men, where historical events and power dynamics often lead to chaos and misunderstandings. This quote resonates deeply, emphasizing the significance of women’s voices, their potential for positive change, and the need for a more inclusive and equitable society. Neyman highlights the importance of recognizing and valuing the contributions of women in shaping our world, and it’s refreshing to see this theme run throughout the novel.

Sophie is Scarlet is a thrilling  fantasy that delivers a compelling page-turner with a relatable heroine at its core. Neyman tackles complex themes of corruption and fighting against an oppressive system, crafting a thought-provoking story that keeps readers engaged from beginning to end. With its intriguing blend of magic, contemporary issues, and an endearing romance, this book is an engaging and hot-topic read.

“Sophie the Scarlet offers a timely exploration of the intricate relationship between technology, corruption, and the need for responsible and ethical practices in the tech era.”

“Neyman highlights the importance of recognizing and valuing the contributions of women in shaping our world, and it’s refreshing to see this theme run throughout the novel.”

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