
Using Crankiness for Good with Steven Joseph, Author of Cranky Superpowers

Books That Make You Discover Your Cranky Superpowers

We all get cranky. We all grind each others’ nerves, have moments where we snap, lash out, and generally be a pain in the butt to the ones we love, or who are around us and have to put up with us.

But what if you could harness that crankiness—even use it like a superpower?

Steven Joseph is back with his latest book, Cranky Superpowers: Life Lessons Learned from the Common CrankaTsuris Chronicles, where he dives into the quirky, unexpected, and absolutely normal aspects of life that get under our skin. You’ll learn his advice for breaking repetitive cranky cycles, why he’s cautious about forming habits, where life coaches and therapists go wrong, and more.

With wit as quick as his marathon pace, Steven serves up life wisdom that is as hilarious as it is profound. He invites you to embrace the power of your inner ‘CrankaTsuris’ …

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Nikki Scott

Nikki Scott