
We Are Connected to Calcium with Korynn Newville, Author of Indiscernible Elements: Calcium

Books That Make You Understand Calcium

While many things connect us in our world, sometimes we fail to see the most fundamental—and the most significant—elements. Literally.

Take calcium, for example. Yes, that touted health star of many a milk or orange juice commercial. That which builds our bones, or pains us with kidney stones. Korynn Newville dives into the element in her book, Indiscernible Elements: Calcium.

Korynn is an architectural designer, artist and author who sees the future of architecture and the changing world we live in through the unique perspective of calcium. Calcium is in us, and all around us. It’s a pervasive element, and, from the perspective of a molecule, Korynn explores in her book the path calcium can take through various stages of life and death.

Indiscernible Elements: Calcium is comprised of detailed illustrations, poetry, and dialogue. Korynn’s passion for the environment was the catalyst that led to her writing and her activism. She has a message of hope, connection, and adaptation to share with the world.

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Nikki Scott

Nikki Scott